At NMYSA, our goal is to create a safer environment for our youth soccer players. Therefore, we have implemented a concussion awareness program using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Heads Up” Concussion in Youth Sports program information as well as the USSF Learning Center Safe and Healthy playing Environments and New Mexico State Laws as they apply to brain injuries in youth sports. The “Heads Up” program provides parents, players and coaches valuable information and direction for managing suspected concussions. Please take the time to review the “Heads Up” fact sheet and help to make youth soccer a safer environment for our children.
Along with education and awareness we require clubs and leagues to report suspected concussions to the NMYSA office using the concussion notice form below and to ensure that players are evaluated by a health care professional and comply with return to play protocols. Referees, coaches and parents all play a part in ensuring the safety of our youth players and are responsible for restricting a player from activity for a suspected concussion. For NMYSA’s concussion policy and other tool for managing concussions, please see below.
Concussion Notice Form [rev 08/20] Word, Pdf

All NMYSA soccer coaches are required to take the USSF Safe and Healthy Playing Environments online course which includes concussion training information.The course completion is automatically recorded to the coach’s registration record upon completion.

In addition, USSF has implemented a new program Recognize to Recover, R2R, that contains information on a variety of player safety and health related issues including concussion initiatives. Follow the link to visit the USSF R2R program website for more information on the concussion initiatives.
FACT SHEET for parents and players